Care for our Common Home committee has been formed across the Jesuit ministries within Australia to assist The Society of Jesus in Australia Ltd (SOJA) in its leadership role of supporting and encouraging ministries to appreciate and care for creation.

The calls to “care for creation” have come from:

  • The Society of Jesus (“The Society”) Universal Apostolic Preference 2019-2029 “To collaborate in the Care of Our Common Home”

  • The Australian Jesuit Province Apostolic Plan 2019-24 priority “Heal humanity and our world” requires that care for all of creation be an integral element of Jesuit ministries and communities.

  • Pope Francis’ Laudato si’ plea that we: “hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor”.

In February 2020, the Australian Province engaged a project officer to assist our ecological conversion of the heart, a process seeking to move us from harmers to become healers of the earth. Each year a set of priorities will be adopted for the Province and its Ministries.

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In 2021, the Committee developed the Laudato si’ Planning Process and Action Plan to assist ministries plan, implement and report on their actions to embed care for our common home. It offers a holistic approach to sustainably engaging all within the ministry.

What is Laudato si’ Action Plan Framework? A document developed by, and for, the Society of Jesus in Australia. This resource contains: 1. a suggested planning process and activities to engage a high number of people across the ministry; and 2. a suggested template for ministries to articulate their twin commitment to the poor and to creation.